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Starbucks - Mooncake Gifting FY23

During this Mid-Autumn Festival, Starbucks has been dedicated to their coffee journey, offering three varieties of coffee-flavoured mooncakes, meticulously crafted.

Indeed, when one indulges in these new mooncakes, they can savor the distinctive coffee flavors from the world's three major coffee-producing regions: whether it's the cocoa notes from Latin America, the fruity aroma of African coffee, or the herbal scent of the Asia-Pacific region. The experience represents the perfect fusion of Starbucks coffee and mooncakes.

This year's packaging aims to narrate the remarkable journey that brought these delightful coffee flavours to Starbucks' customers. The boxes themselves take the form of portable bags, serving as a tangible reminder of the travel experience. Inside, a vibrant and striking illustration vividly depicts coffee plantations in South-East Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

Additionally, the shopping bag proudly bears stamps of these places, reminiscent of the stamps found on suitcases or travel documents, further enhancing the sense of a captivating coffee journey.

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